Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Voice of God

I sit in a pew
I ponder questions and circumstances
That have troubled my soul for days, weeks, months.
I have this moment to myself,
silent witness to my own personal spiritual turbulence.
There is no speaking in this chapel,
to do so would violate
the unspoken decree of reverence at this time,
That moment in time just before the Lord speaks.

I feel transported in time
Back, back, back
to moments when multitudes waited
at the foot of
Mt. Sinai, The Mount of Beatitudes,
at the entrance to Jerusalem.
I am one in that multitude
spread across a hill or a cobblestone street back then,
In chapels, homes, and meetinghouses across the world now
To be here, in this moment, just before the Lord speaks.

God speaks to Man doesn't he?
Doesn't He love us?
Isn't that why He sent His Son?
He spoke then,
why not now?
For this reason I have come to this place
Now, then, across streams of time and generations
of people.
Hungering, asking, seeking.
To know and have my questions answered by the voice of God.

The moment ends.
The reverence is broken.
The session begins, the prophet descends from Sinai
to the pulpit.
God's Word on his lips and the Spirit
bearing record.
The tablets of the law shine eternally bright
through these corridors of time;
their words in full affect now as then.
God does still speak to Man.
My heart is at peace and I recognize

The Voice of God.